The Best Possible Quality Tree Planting Attempting to end the infighting on tree planting vs natural regeneration so we can all focus on getting on the critical job of doing loads of both, and when we are planting, let's do it properly.
Navigating the Nuances of Development: Beyond NIMBY and YIMBY Reducing every discussion down to NIMBY/YIMBY ignores that fact that every single project has its own particular cost/benefit analysis and environmental impact assessment.
Testing Laravel Nova Actions How can you write automated tests for Laravel Nova Actions, without firing up a whole browser simulation headache?
Going Hard on Paid API Consulting & Writing Hire me to help you with whatever API, HTTP, OpenAPI, or system architecture troubles you're dealing with.
Struggling to Balance Charity Work and Income I co-found Protect Earth in 2020 and none of us knew how big it would become. We plant tens of thousands of trees all over the country every year, and for me that work is entirely unpaid. Being brutally honest I could do with some help.
What is Green Software? The Internet, good or bad? It's causing about 4% of global emissions, so either way we should probably do something about that, and the Green Software Foundation is here to help us figure out what to do.
HS2 Was Never Going to Destroy 108 Ancient Woodlands You may have heard about High-Speed Rail 2, and you may have heard that it was going to (or already had) destroyed 108 ancient woodlands. That is not true. It was never true, not even before the Tories slashed the plans for Hs2 to pieces.