PHP Format abstraction with a simple class

PHP Format abstraction with a simple class

Having a quiet night in before a long day of kayaking I thought I'd write some fun code instead of banging out the usual shit like I've been doing all day...

Convert between Array, Object, JSON, XML, CSV and Serialized data and back again easily. I'll add a few more types like YAML when I can be arsed to work out PECL for MAMP.

$original_array = array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'stuff');

    $json = Format::factory($original_array)->to_json();
    $xml = Format::factory($json, 'json')->to_xml();
    $end_array = Format::factory($xml, 'xml')->to_array();

    var_dump($original_array === $end_array); // true

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I've put it into FuelPHP and I'll commit to CodeIgniter 2.0 soon.